- Департамент гарантии экспортных кредитов
Правительственное учреждение в Великобритании, занимающееся страхованием экспортных рисков в целях стимулирования экспорта.
Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa.
О.В. Сиполс.
Смотреть что такое "EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT (ECGD)" в других словарях:
Export Credit Guarantee Department — noun A government department which insures UK exporters against losses arising from exporting goods (abbrev ECGD) • • • Main Entry: ↑export … Useful english dictionary
Export Credits Guarantee Department — (ECGD) United Kingdom The United Kingdom s (UK s) official export credit agency (ECA). It aims to help UK exporters of goods and services sell to overseas buyers and UK firms to invest overseas. To do this it works with exporters, project… … Law dictionary
Export Credits Guarantee Department — The Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) is the United Kingdom s official Export Credit Agency (ECA). It is a separate Government Department, reporting through a Minister of State to the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and… … Wikipedia
Export Credit Guarantee Department — /ˌekspɔ:t ˌkredɪt gærən ti: dɪˌpɑ:tmənt/ noun a British government department which insures sellers of exports sold on credit against the possibility of non payment by the purchasers. Abbr ECGD … Marketing dictionary in english
Export Credit Guarantee Department — /ˌekspɔ:t ˌkredɪt gærən ti: dɪ ˌpɑ:tmənt/ noun a British government department which insures sellers of exports sold on credit against the possibility of non payment by the purchasers. Abbreviation ECGD … Dictionary of banking and finance
Export Credits Guarantee Department — ˌExport ˌCredits Guaranˈtee Deˌpartment written abbreviation ECGD noun COMMERCE ORGANIZATIONS a British government organization that provides British companies with export credit insurance and so encourages them to export their goods abroad: •… … Financial and business terms
Export Credits Guarantee Department — ECGD A UK government department that operates under the Export and Investment Guarantees Act (1991). It encourages exports from the UK by making export credit insurance available to exporters and guaranteeing repayment to UK banks that provide… … Big dictionary of business and management
export credit agency — (ECA) International, United Kingdom A private, governmental or quasi governmental agency which provides support to promote the export of goods and services from the country in which the export credit agency (ECA) is based. The support can take… … Law dictionary
Export Credits Guarantee Department — ECGD A UK government department that offers credit insurance to UK exporters. Certain sections of the ECGD were privatized in 1991, including short term credit insurance … Accounting dictionary
Export credit agency — Export credit agencies, known in trade finance as ECAs, are private or quasi governmental institutions that act as intermediaries between national governments and exporters to issue export financing. The financing can take the form of credits… … Wikipedia
ECGD — See: Export Credit Guarantee Department * * * ECGD ECGD ECONOMICS ORGANIZATIONS written abbreviation for Export Credits Guarantee Department … Financial and business terms